After a spell, a long spell, I'm back. Enough said without saying anything about the absence. 'Cept I've been on the road a lot since that last post. Since this is supposed (I thought) to be about small town living, I didn't have much to say. Since January I've been to Texas twice (driving both ways), Mexico (Copper Canyon, wow!) and Abilene, Kansas (more interesting than you'd think), plus Atlanta a couple of times. Now we're hitting the road for 3 weeks in Texas again tomorrow.
It occurs to me that since I'm not living much in this little town, I can't write much about it, but I can share being on the road--oh Jack, oh Jack where are you?
I'll be putting post up from along the way, fresh and frisky from the sabbatical.
It's good to be back.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday, January 06, 2007
What fun

In my last post, I mentioned our Christmas Eve plans of going to a Falcons game at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. We did. Great fun even if we did lose rather badly. Most fun of all was our Christmas gift from our daughter--the in thing for Falcon Fans--jerseys--our's have our names and numbers--our birth years! Now 60,000 folks know how old we are. Here we are modeling them at a pregame party.
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